Haskell: Build Tools

Date: June 21, 2018
Author: Dmitrii Kovanikov

This blog post describes the two main ways of managing and building Haskell projects: using the cabal and stack build tools. The blog post doesn’t try to replace documentation for any of the building tools, nor does it try to cover all possible ways to build a Haskell project. Rather, it tries to give beginners step by step instructions on how to create and build a simple project. The goal is to reduce the confusion, especially for those who have just started working with Haskell. While documentation is good to gain a deep understanding, sometimes you just need things to be done straight away.


Haskell is a compiled programming language that also has an interpreter. The interpreter allows you to experiment with packages, like those from Hackage (Haskell central packages repository), in a small single file or even in the interactive REPL called ghci. But for big projects, it’s better to organize the source code into modules as it will help with maintainability. Build tools like cabal and stack can help you manage the building process.

Hackage has a lot of libraries and finding the function you need can be frustrating. Luckily, you can use hoogle to search by name or type. Even then there are several build tools for Haskell and deciding which one to use can be difficult. This blog post focuses on two such tools:

  1. cabal-install
  2. stack

These tools are chosen because they are the most popular and mature. I won’t make any claim on which one is better, instead I will give you an overall idea of what the package development looks like for each of them. Hopefully, by the end of this post you will be able to choose which approach fits you more.


The word cabal in Haskell is semantically overloaded. In Haskell, cabal can refer to:

  1. cabal-install
    • The build tool for Haskell projects.
  2. Format of files with extension .cabal
    • The configuration (modules, dependencies, metadata) of a package foo must be written in a file called foo.cabal with a special syntax that can be read by cabal-install.
  3. Haskell library Cabal
    • This is a library used by cabal-install that implements a parser for the .cabal file format.


In this blog post when I use the word cabal I mean cabal-install. Otherwise I will specify it explicitly.

Cabal InstallationπŸ”—

Cabal: UbuntuπŸ”—

The latest cabal and ghc can both be installed through hvr/ghc PPA:

Use the following commands for installation:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hvr/ghc
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install ghc-8.6.3 cabal-install-head

NOTE: It’s best to install cabal HEAD since it has better support for the commands we will use to build projects with cabal.

You can check the versions of the installed binaries like so:

$ /opt/ghc/bin/ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.6.3
$ /opt/ghc/bin/cabal --version
cabal-install version
compiled using version of the Cabal library

To make development easier, you can also add those binaries to your $PATH environment variable.

$ echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/ghc/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
$ . ~/.bashrc

Cabal: Mac OSπŸ”—

To get cabal for Mac Os you can just use brew:

$ brew install ghc cabal-install

If you want to work with multiple GHC versions on macOS, you may find neat haskell-on-macos.py script useful:

Cabal: WindowsπŸ”—

The easiest way to install cabal and ghc for Windows is to install the Haskell Platform, which you can do following the instructions at:

As an alternative you can chocolatey, a package manager for Windows:

cabal initπŸ”—

To create a new project you can run the cabal init command. Cabal will then guide you through the interactive process, and ask you several questions regarding the structure of your project.

$ mkdir cabal-example # create project directory
$ cd cabal-example    # go into this directory
$ cabal init          # initialize project in this directory

See demo of cabal init command below:

cabal init demo

As an alternative, you can use the summoner tool. summoner can generate for you much more than what cabal init can, and it won’t ask you any redundant question. However, you probably should just use cabal init for your first Haskell project because summoner requires installation to be done first. Below you can see demo of summoner usage.

Summoner TUI demo

Cabal project structureπŸ”—

If you’ve chosen to create cabal-example with src as a directory

After initializing your package with name cabal-example which builds Library and has src/ as code source directory, you will get the following structure:

$ tree cabal-example
β”œβ”€β”€ ChangeLog.md
β”œβ”€β”€ LICENSE
β”œβ”€β”€ Setup.hs
β”œβ”€β”€ src/
└── cabal-example.cabal

1 directory, 4 files

cabal-example.cabal file describes the structure of your package. Here is how it looks like for our example project:

-- Initial cabal-example.cabal generated by cabal init.  For further
-- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/

name:                cabal-example
-- synopsis:
-- description:
license:             BSD3
license-file:        LICENSE
author:              Dmitry Kovanikov
maintainer:          kovanikov@gmail.com
-- copyright:
category:            Data
build-type:          Simple
extra-source-files:  CHANGELOG.md
cabal-version:       >=1.10

  -- exposed-modules:
  -- other-modules:
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.11 && <4.12
  hs-source-dirs:      src
  default-language:    Haskell2010

Put your source code under the src/ folder. Don’t worry about the Setup.hs file as it is not needed most of the time. You can ignore it or even delete it.

Building the project with cabalπŸ”—

To build your project, you need to have some code. Let’s create a Dummy.hs file inside the src/ directory with the following content:

module Dummy where

inc :: Int -> Int
inc x = x + 1

After that, let’s replace this line inside cabal-example.cabal:

  -- exposed-modules:


  exposed-modules: Dummy

to tell cabal that this module is now part of your package.

Then, you will need to update the Hackage index, so that cabal is aware of the most recent versions of the Haskell packages. To do so run this command from your package root directory:

$ cabal new-update

You should run this command only in one of the following situations:

  1. You’ve never run this command before.
  2. You’ve deleted the ~/.cabal directory.
  3. You want to use a newer version of a library that has become available after you last executed cabal new-update.

NOTE: If something goes weirdly wrong when building dependencies (like scary linker errors) then deleting the ~/.cabal directory might help.

Finally, to actually build the package, run the command:

$ cabal new-build

IMPORTANT NOTE: cabal also has a build and update command without the new- prefix. Don’t use them! Use the commands with the new- prefix instead: they just work better. Implementing proper build tool is a really difficult task and it’s not immediately obvious how things should be done. But this doesn’t mean that once you figure out a better way of doing things you should implement it under the old interface. Package authors care about their users: they keep the old way to build packages so people can continue using it, even though the new proper way is available (through the new- prefixed commands). Old commands will be replaced by new ones in cabal-3.0 and this prefix will be removed.

Adding dependency in the .cabal fileπŸ”—

All dependencies should be specified under build-depends field in the .cabal file. By default, every new package has the base library as a dependency. But there are many more packages on Hackage! For example, to operate with random values we can use the random package. In order to do that you will need to modify the build-depends field in the .cabal file in the following way:

  build-depends:       base >=4.11 && <4.12, random

And then, we will be able to use any function from this package!

module Dummy where

import System.Random (randomRIO)

inc :: Int -> Int
inc x = x + 1

dice :: IO Int
dice = randomRIO (1, 6)

Run cabal new-build to ensure that everything builds.

NOTE: Usually there are multiple versions of a package with the same name. You may notice that version boundaries are specified for the base package in your .cabal file. If you have a lot of packages without explicit version boundaries, cabal might not be able to build your project, because it won’t know which versions of the packages to pick.

cabal replπŸ”—

Okay, we wrote some functions. So how about testing them? As mentioned earlier, ghc has an interactive interpreter. You can run it with the following command:

$ cabal new-repl

And then you can evaluate the code we wrote in REPL:

ghci> inc 64
ghci> dice
ghci> dice
ghci> :q
Leaving GHCi.

You probably won’t see the same exact numbers as output for the dice function. But there’s a 1/36 chance you will.

Cabal: adding executableπŸ”—

Evaluating functions in REPL is really fun! But usually programs are implemented to be used as executables later. As I mentioned earlier Haskell is a compiled language so you can have native binary. To do this you need to add executable to the .cabal file.

NOTE: Top-level sections like library, executable and others are called stanzas in the cabal format specification.

Let’s introduce an executable stanza by adding the following lines at the end of our .cabal file:

executable my-exe
  main-is:             Main.hs
  build-depends:       base, cabal-example
  default-language:    Haskell2010

NOTE: We add cabal-example to build-depends to be able to use functions from our library stanza. No need to specify version bounds for base here since they are derived from the cabal-example dependency.

Now, we need to create the Main.hs file in the project root. You can put anything you want as long as this file contains a function main :: IO (). Use your imagination! Mine is enough only for writing something like this:

module Main where

import Dummy (dice)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "777"
  n <- dice
  print n

We gave our executable name my-exe so we can launch it by running the cabal new-exec command:

$ cabal new-build # don't forget to build your project after changes!
$ cabal new-exec my-exe

Congratulations, you just run your first Haskell program!

For a more detailed but still beginner-friendly introduction to cabal, I recommend this podcast:


Even if you are only interested in using stack you should read the cabal section first, as I will refer to it in some parts.

Stack: InstallationπŸ”—

You can find instructions for how to build stack at the beginning of the stack documentation:

You don’t need to install ghc separately since stack will download a suitable compiler version for you.

Stack: UnixπŸ”—

Installing stack on any unix system is really easy:

$ curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh

Stack: WindowsπŸ”—

For Windows, you can download the official binary directly from the website:

stack newπŸ”—

To create a new project named stack-example you run:

$ stack new stack-example

NOTE: To successfully finish the project initialization with stack your working machine should have an internet connection since offline mode has not been implemented yet.

Unlike cabal init command stack new doesn’t ask you any questions. It just creates the project according to a default template. However, you can specify an existing template (or even create your own one):

Alternatively you can use the summoner tool to create your projects. Any stack template describes a static project hierarchy with only simple configurable metadata like user name. But sometimes you might want more, like the ability to add benchmarks stanza to your package. Generally, you don’t want to have multiple templates that are just slightly different versions of one major template. summoner can also automatically create a GitHub repository for your new project, so it is somewhere in between the cabal init and stack templates, but with some extra features.

Stack project structureπŸ”—

The directory hierarchy for the default stack template looks like this:

$ tree stack-example/
β”œβ”€β”€ app/
β”‚   └── Main.hs
β”œβ”€β”€ ChangeLog.md
β”œβ”€β”€ LICENSE
β”œβ”€β”€ package.yaml
β”œβ”€β”€ README.md
β”œβ”€β”€ Setup.hs
β”œβ”€β”€ src/
β”‚   └── Lib.hs
β”œβ”€β”€ stack-example.cabal
β”œβ”€β”€ stack.yaml
└── test/
    └── Spec.hs

3 directories, 10 files

Here you see that many more files were created for you than with cabal. Here are library, executable and test-suite stanzas added to the .cabal file with the corresponding Haskell code being put into the src/, app/ and test/ directories respectively.

The stack.yaml file contains some extra configuration for stack.

The package.yaml file contains the packages description in an alternative format that is used by hpack. TL;DR Instead of writing package description in cabal format you can write it in YAML and you get some extra features like automatic modules discovery. hpack then generates a .cabal file using information from package.yaml. But if you don’t want to deal with hpack for now you can just delete package.yaml file.

Building stack projectπŸ”—

Use the following command to build the project including library, executable and test-suite stanzas, and run tests as well.

$ stack build --test

stack will automatically download the proper GHC version during your first build.

LTS resolverπŸ”—

One of the main differences between stack and cabal is how they determine the proper version for package dependencies. They both use the Cabal library to parse .cabal files. However, stack uses the notion of LTS resolver. In simple words: resolver is just a Hackage snapshot where packages can work with each other smoothly. You can check stack.yaml file to see which resolver you use. Look for a line like this one:

resolver: lts-13.2

NOTE: This is the only line in stack.yaml that is required for stack to work in most cases. The default stack.yaml file will contain a lot of redundant stuff. You can safely delete everything except this one line, unless you need some more advanced usage.

Adding dependency to stack projectπŸ”—

Adding dependency for stack is almost the same as for cabal: you just add the library you want to the build-depends field.

If you are wondering which version of the package from build-depends will be used in your project, you can open the Stackage web page with the resolver specified in your stack.yaml and search for the library you’re interested in. For example, here we need

You can also do this through the terminal. For instance, for the random library we can run:

$ stack ls dependencies | grep random

Sometimes a library might not be in the specified resolver. In that case, you need to add the library and its version to the extra-deps field inside stack.yaml. See example here.

Stack: REPL and executablesπŸ”—

You can use stack repl command to launch the ghci inside your project.

Use the following command to run a specific executable stanza:

$ stack exec name-of-my-executable


In conclusion, I want to say that workflows for cabal and stack might look very similar, but the ideas behind them are different. I recommend you to try both before sticking to one tool. And I hope the instructions above will help you to get started with creating Haskell projects!


Useful addition to cabal and stack in terms of building tools is nix. Nix is also a very popular choice but it’s not yet beginner friendly. If you are interested in knowing more about how to apply nix to Haskell, I suggest you read this tutorial:

If you’re interested in more experimental ways to build Haskell packages, you can check the following repositories: